Splash Awards 2019

Photos 2019
Find all the media coverage on the Mountain Camp website. Offical photos by Sören Funk and Josef Dabernig.
Results 2019
1st place: Viollier AG - B2B Shop & Corporate Website by Viollier AG
2nd place: VP Bank Webseite by VP Bank AG
Design / UX
1st place: Zürich Tourism by Zürich Tourism
2nd place: Relaunch schulthess-klinik.ch by Schulthess Klinik
1st place: simpla.ch by ÖKK
2nd place: Watchdreamer by Watch Dreamer SA
1st place: Kulturerbejahr 2018 by Trägerschaft Kulturerbejahr 2018
2nd place: GRhome by Interessensgemeinschaft Tourismus GR
Social / Non-Profit
1st place: WWF Schweiz by WWF Schweiz
2nd place: Médecins Sans Frontières Suisse by Médecins Sans Frontières Suisse
Tools / Apps
1st place: Resoli - Réseaux Solidaires by EPFL+ECAL Lab, in collaboration with Pro Senectute Vaud
2nd place: i-connect - Intranet of SIX by SIX
Project of the year
1st place: Resoli - Réseaux Solidaires by EPFL+ECAL Lab, in collaboration with Pro Senectute Vaud
2nd place: Viollier AG - B2B Shop & Corporate Website by Viollier AG