Splash Awards 2020

Splash Awards Switzerland 2020
On 26th of November 2020, the Swiss Splash Awards were presented during an online award night. At the presentation of the desired glass drops, extraordinary Drupal projects and their developers have been presented to a wider public.
Jeffrey A. “jam” McGuire hosted the evening and the following projects received a Splash Award:
Design / UX
- Winner: GDS.FM for GDS. FM
- Runner up: Website with integrated tenant portal for the real estate area Mattenhof in Luzern for Mattenhof Luzern
Public Affairs
Winner: PSI - Website Relaunch for Paul Scherrer Institut
Runner up: Relaunch Website Theater Basel for Theater Basel
Winner: Spenden - Einfach und Flexibel for Unicef
Runner up: Greenhope, sports against cancer meets Drupal for Greenhope
Winner: Website with integrated tenant portal for the real estate area Mattenhof in Luzern for Mattenhof Luzern
Runner up: salz.ch - Swiss Saltworks - Headless Experience Platform for Schweizer Salinen
Tools / Apps
Winner: Suva - Relaunch sapros.ch for Suva
Runner up: Speaker Plattform for FDI World Dental Federation
Special Award Community Value
Speaker Plattform for FDI World Dental Federation
Project of the year
Winner: Website with integrated tenant portal for the real estate area Mattenhof in Luzern for Mattenhof Luzern
Runner up: GDS.FM for GDS. FM
Congratulations to all to winners, runner ups and nominees 2020. Big thanks to our jury members, our sponsors and our host Jam for making this an awesome award night! And of course thanks to all agencies that submitted those awesome cases!
Find the overview of all submitted cases here.
Revisit the Splash Awards online award night on Youtube