Tamine Therme - A fully Drupal decoupled ecommerce webshop

Case summary

The new webshop of Tamina Therme is fully decoupled, with a Drupal backend. Interfaces to the POS system are managed in the frontend but also in the backend. The backend could therefore be built very easily for the customer, with few content types.

Case description

The customer wanted to replace the existing web store. The requirements were that the connection to the checkout and reservation system be made. Furthermore, the store and the website were to be implemented according to the latest state of the art. In addition, the performance was of course a big issue. Of course, it should be very fast. The design and information architecture should also convey the high quality of the product that can be purchased.

Case goals and results

Performance was one of the most important goals. In addition, however, the connection to the existing cash register and reservation system.
The performance goal was achieved with the implementation as a fully decoupled project. The pages in the webshop are built very quickly. The connection to the third party system was achieved through a JSON interface in cooperation with the manufacturer of the system. However, the focus of the backend is still the Drupal commerce module, where the orders can be viewed. However, the management of orders takes place in the existing POS system.


Since we decided to implement the project fully decoupled, we had to overcome some hurdles that would not have existed with a traditional implementation. But since the order workflow design was technically very complicated, we decided to implement the whole project as fully decoupled and not only a part of it.

Community contributions

We were able to use many existing contributed projects and tried where possible to keep patching back where needed. Furthermore, we reported on the project at the Drupal Camp in Essen (2023) and started lively discussions.


The backend of the site is hosted by NETNODE. The frontend at Vercel.

Why should this case win the splash awards?

I think the project is one of the first ecommerce projects in Switzerland of this size that was fully decoupled. We want to show that such a project is feasible with Drupal. Not only the webshop, but of course other content that the website has. Furthermore the site impresses with its beautiful and user-friendly design.